David, a marine biologist, I worked in conservation of protected wild species, mainly in marine reserves. After years of experience, their work was frustrating for running into time and again with political decisions and not scientific, by going in the wrong direction.

Mary, veterinary, was not pleased with what you learned in the University with respect to the breeding and treatment of animal mainly of livestock. As well as in a number of ways from public bodies focus on the livestock.

granjea - david y maria
granjea - david y maria
granjea - granjea

Both believed that things could be done differently. Sought, studied, investigated, until they reached the Management Holistic and “flew” the head, I was fascinated by that. Rented a hectare and a half of pomegranates in Madrigal de la Vera (Cáceres, Spain) and began to raise Chickens Grass through Holistic management.

Despite not being a people reared in the rural world, they feel very happy to have taken this decision and are very happy to be able to contribute to the improvement of rural economies, as well as the regeneration of the ecosystem-producing food of the highest quality.

granjea - pollos
granjea - graneja, david y maria