Gerardo Moreno Frames. Born in Navaconcejo, Cáceres), graduated in Biology from the University of Salamanca. With his doctorate in the Institute of Natural Resources and Agro (CSIC, Salamanca, spain) and postdoctoral fellow at the Centre d Écologie Evolutive et Fonctionnel (CNRS, Montpellier, France), specialized in Biogeoquímíca environmental. His career at the University of Extremadura was started in 1999, imparting teaching in Engineering, Forestry and Natural Environment (campus Plasencia), from the area of soil science and Agricultural Chemistry.
Research on soil-plant relationships and the functioning of forest ecosystems and forestry, applied to the design of sustainable management practices, mitigation strategies and adaptation to climate change and the assessment of environmental services.

He has coordinated several national and european projects, collaborating with scientists from more than 30 countries. He is co-author of about 140 articles published in magazines internationally recognized (included in Science Citation Index) in the area of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences. He is a founding member of the European Agroforestry Federation and director of the University Institute of Research of the Dehesa (INDEHESA), from where he has helped to put this agro-ecosystems emblematic of Extremadura as a reference system, agro-forestry and farming of high-value natural between the community, scientific - technical, international.