Federico manages a family-owned farm of Cork oaks in Montemor o Novo (Alentejo, Portugal). Before getting to know the Handling Holistic, their main source of income of the estate was the sale of cork from the cork oak trees.

Due to The Dry, your dehesa was dying at a very alarming. Tens of cork died each year without anyone to tell him as he couldn't stop.

herdade godeal - federico
herdade godeal - alcornoque
herdade godeal - vacas

Thanks to a few Management courses Holistic, and was with other friends ranchers met Gustavo Alès. Gustavo visited his farm and began to advise you. He began to move the animals of planned and rational through the return of the Institute Savory and in three years has led to the number of renew to be greater than that of cork oak trees, dead.

herdade godeal - vacas